Tips for The Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans

Here are 6 tips you’d like to consider before and after being paroled into the U.S.

If you’re wondering whether there are some extra pieces of advice to follow when taking part in the humanitarian parole process, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 6 tips you’d like to consider before and after being paroled into the U.S.

Have a valid passport to enter the United States

Just make sure that you have a valid, unexpired passport. However, if you’re from Venezuela…

Attention! If you hold a Venezuelan passport with a “prórroga”, make sure you comply with what the USCIS has stated:

“The beneficiary must have a valid, unexpired passport. Certified extensions of passport validity serve to meet this requirement. If a beneficiary's passport validity has been extended, the expiration date of the extension should be reflected as the passport expiration date. CBP will not authorize travel if the beneficiary's passport or extension is expired.”

Also, it is worth noting that even though you can enter the country with a “prórroga”, you cannot open a bank account with one. So it’d be better if you make sure that you have a fully valid passport before coming to the US.

Do not send more than one Form-134a

We know that you want to make sure that you can take all the chances you can get, however, for this process it is mandatory that your supporter only sends one form, and that nobody else submits another one as this is considered fraud. If you do so, you will 100% lose the chance of being paroled into the U.S.

Make sure that your email address is correct

Make sure that your supporter adds their email address correctly, but that yours is also correct. Tell them to double check all the data to ensure that you’re going to receive the information in the right email address.

Here’s our guide on how to correct information after submitting Form I-134a, though.

Make sure that your supporter is filling out the newest Form I-134a that includes a new box

The sponsor will only have 750 min. - 1500 max. characters to explain why a favorable exercise of discretion is merited for the beneficiary they’re seeking to sponsor.

Money for expenses

Even though this process has no fee, after being paroled into the U.S. and finally ready to join your loved ones or be safe, you will have to pay certain processes such as:

Apply for Employment Authorization ASAP

Don’t sleep on it. If I were you, I’d apply the same day upon arrival in the U.S. Why? You don’t want to risk applying for it later and getting it even later. However, sometimes it can be issued pretty fast, but hey, don’t risk it.

How can Lawfully help?

Lawfully can help nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to keep track of their cases with our Lawfully Case Tracker App. You won’t have to worry about visiting the USCIS website all the time, instead you will get a push notification every time there’s an update on your case. Click here to download our app!