Jacob Bernal-Rodriguez
May 12, 2021
i am teacher
hello i am looking for information where i can see information from certificacion teacher. thanks you
here I amMay 12, 2021
how do this related to uscis?
Jacob Bernal-RodriguezMay 13, 2021
https://uscis.usajobs.gov/ .. because I want to be able to contribute with my work. I hope with hope my permanent residence. Thank you so much.
Mostafa salhMay 18, 2021
Immigration Matter: ana mustafaa salah 'abu alyzyd eindi 21 sanh waeiash lwhadaa ahla mutawafiyn wa'iinaa eawz asafr eshan aqdar 'aqf ealaa rujlaa wamlish akhwt walah ab walih 'am mutawafiyn hasal ealaa diblum sanayie wanafsi hadin yasmaenaa And I am from Egypt and I have papers. Do not ask for them from me. But the Prophet, I want, I will be able to live and stand on my feet because no one else does. You are the most people who help us strangers to live and live. Thank you.

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