Mike Okpkpo
Apr 20, 2024
green card denied
my case was denied base on my previous marriage,that it was a sham, that I paid her through a facilitator. I need to prove that the previous marriage was not a sham. when we got married i came back to my base as we don't base in same state as at then, I was meant to come back for us to get a better place to stay but covid happened then, I couldn't go back because of the traveled restrictions due to covid. After some months her number was not going anymore no communication from her. Trying to reach her was to no avail , the man that was to guide us through the filing process she took me to was the only person I could get in touch with and he was telling me because of covid he hasn't see her too but he will try and when he sees her he will contact me though we already summited all the informations needed to for the filing process with him.i kept trying to get in touch to her, when I finally did got in touch after some while she ghosted me again. 2yrs downline i was tired and i called the man to help me get in touch when he see her i need to divorce her after all I did not file in my papers in, we don't have anything together apart from our marriage certificate. now they want me to provide that it was not a sham marriage. I don't have anything to show apart from the marriage certificate and the divorced paper. please Anyone with same issue and how did you handle it , please share and thanks.
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long overdue Apr 20, 2024
hmmm i think you need i601a good luck
w sApr 20, 2024
me and the USCIS smell BS
child of graceApr 20, 2024
@Mike Okpkpo since you didn’t file for adjustment of status in your first marriage why are they telling you to prove it. I guess that’s how USCIS works. don’t you have pictures together? don’t you have family and friends that were aware of your relationship that can write a letter of affidavit for you? don’t you have chat history between you both to show communication?
Loraine SuckiApr 20, 2024
get a lawyer so they can help you to explain and document what happened to the first marriage don't try to do it on your own
Way MakerApr 20, 2024
@Mike Okpkpo I am not going to judge you and say it’s sham or not. You know the truth yourself. I’ll tell you why USCIS is right to think it was a sham marriage. You guys were married for 2 years before the divorce. These predicaments of you being far away with Covid restrictions is fine, but that’s a sideshow that adds no value to the issue at hand. For 2 years, if this was truly two people in love (why isn’t there evidence of marriage, text messages through the two years, maybe you sending money to her or in a joint account, you guys comingling and paying bills together?? no record of taxes filed jointly married or even married separately with good finacial reason? there’s so much easy evidence that you should have if you were married for 2 years…If USCIS buys your story that for the 2 years you were away she ghosted you, then there’s the time before you got married to her when you were dating, before the wedding…you don’t have evidence of that,,,even weak evidence like pictures, texts, trips together, family affidavits etc??? It’s impossible to have gotten married to her with no record of that dating process… If it was you, as the USCIS officer, it wouldn’t be rocket science to see this as a sham marriage. until you can reproduce this evidence, then it’s impossible to get the green card approved. I don’t know if a waiver can help considering what you are accused of. Marriage fraud makes you permanently inadmissible for any immigration benefits in future. You would have to prove that maybe you were legit and she is the one that was not, which is hard judging by the fact that you don’t have any evidence plus it’s not a good idea to try and implicate a US Citizen. Never ends well for immigrant. Your best recourse is just give them the bonafide evidence of first marriage (2years is a very long time to be married to someone and have zero evidence) and your case will be approved I wish you well and hope you can overcome it somehow. All the best
w mooApr 20, 2024
Write to USCIS withdraw your application over lack of commitment from your wife in the marriage. start all over again with someone you love and be committed in building a future with her. this your story is already an indictment on you. do what is right.
In God’s Time Apr 20, 2024
@Way Maker you explained it so good 👍🏽
Way MakerApr 20, 2024
@w moo wrong advice. he got denied for a new marriage with someone he loves because of his past with someone he was married to for 2 years with no evidence to show. Withdrawing your case does not remove your ‘record’ if there was something serious determined and already noted in your alien file. The Alien file will always have that issue and no matter how much you withdraw, you can’t clean an Alien file without providing what they need and you getting that record cleaned by USCIS themselves. Removing an application will not clean your Alien File..any time you come back, the Alien file will still have the same information noted by officer and the bar on future immigration benefits until you settle the case with what they want. Any new case you file, the background check process will show your alien file from your biometrics and they can easily see all that noted there. Trying this actually proves that you have something to hide and don’t want to solve the matter noted in your alien file
w mooApr 21, 2024
@way Maker, I agree with your submission, I thought this was his first marriage, my bad. @Mike try and locate your first wife, to help you with and affidavit, attesting to the fact that your marriage with her was genuine, but things did not work out well with both of you, that the marriage was not sham as claimed by USCIS, it will go a long way in helping your situation.
A M10h
I am in the same situation as we speak. no way forward due to 204(c) I am married for 8 years with 2 kids and USCIS denied my current petition with my current wife bcos my prior marriage to my first wife was allegedly flag as sham. I don’t even know what else to do with raising 2 kids without a work permit or any form of relief.

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