Lola K
Oct 1, 2023
Divorce - Green card Renewal
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding divorce - me and my American husband are getting a divorce. I received my 10-year green card. When it’s time for me to renew my permanent residency, do I need to tell USCIS that I am divorced? Also, if I would apply for citizenship, would there be any issues after the the divorce?
ayoade kayOct 1, 2023
Yes, just show them the proof of divorce
Paige kOct 1, 2023
since you already received a 10 years green card there’s no need for renewal of you permanent residence card (green card) after divorce you just have to be a PR for 5 years and then apply for your N400( citizenship)
Mr wonderfulOct 1, 2023
you don’t need to renew just file for citizenship in 4 years 9 months
Sandra DeriphonseOct 1, 2023
yes you have to submit your divorce paper and no the won't be an issue for being divorce regarding citizenship but if you have at least 3 years with green card through your marriage you can apply for citizenship you do not have to wait 5 years I done that because I do immigration papers also my husband applied for his after he had 3 years with his green card under me since I applied for him
teetee fabulous🇯🇲❤️🇭🇹Oct 1, 2023
@Sandra Deriphonse The 3 yr rule no longer applies to someone who has divorced. They now have to apply for citizenship with the 5yr rule!
Sandra DeriphonseOct 1, 2023
she said she is getting divorced not that she is divorced and some divorce do that time of therefore the 3 years will applied for her since her divorce isn't final she can poly for the citizenship and still be citizen before the divorce is final even if the divorce isn't final s long as she submit the citizenship application before the divorce is final the 3 years will applied
@Sandra Deriphonse to have the divorce decree is less than 2 months... Since she already got her 10 years, she can just wait for 5 years and then apply for Citizenship.
Paul ReynaldOct 5, 2023
you don't need to inform USCIS now you're a lawful permanent resident you need to apply for citizenship.
Lola KOct 10, 2023
thank you for all the responses :) I am not planning to become a citizen as I rather renew my permanent resident. So, do I need to inform USCIS when I file for an additional 10 years later on? (renewing green card).

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