tired from waitingg
congreswoman inquiry result
They just send me an email and mentioning they are doing background check.. what steps should I take other than wait ? reach out senator will make any difference? or it will be same answer from them as well ?

VAWA parent: Self-petitioning parent of an abusive U.S. citizen

Total Days: 1507 days
1507 Days
Vermont Service Center: I-360
Timeline Map
Submission to USCIS
This timeline was created with the Lawfully App. Download the Lawfully App now.
Meg I 2d
just to encourage you, they will still attend to you. mine was in January 2021. was approved last year May. so you’re very close to receive your card
survivor p2d
@tired from waitingg I don’t know what to say 😞did you try mandamus? on the other side, if true, background check is the last step before making decision…
Hope Hope2d
@tired from waitingg , I am sorry my friend. I am hear you.
summerlover 072d
senator will make no difference. reach out to them again after 60 days if nothing change. in the mean time you can send them fbi clearence conducting by third parties. i have read other groups sometimes it helps.
tired from waitingg1d
@summerlover 07 i did send them background checks clearance
VK Jan_20201d
hey we are same boat waiting from Jan 2020
African s1d
do mandamus
Nick N21h
background can take years… I have been waiting since Feb 2020 and still says security check for last 3 years!
tired from waitingg20h
@Nick N its seems like they dont miss or lost the file tho

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