Karla Wyatt
Jan 7, 2022
Can I get a home loan with EAD?
I am an EAD card holder but I’m still in the process of getting a green card through marriage. My husband and I want to get a home loan so we’ve applied to a bank but we are getting rejected. The bank says since I’m not a green card holder it is unable to approve the loan. I’ve searched around for the solutions but I cannot find one. Does anyone know what I should do?
Richard s.Jan 7, 2022
wait until you get your green card… buying a house is a very important financial desicion and you don’t want to rush it and get bad terms just because you don’t qualify as of now. Be patient… and wait until you become a permanent resident.
rocky rockJan 7, 2022
I have family members who got a house with a EAD
Lilo PelekaiJan 7, 2022
Karla - getting a loan all comes down to your credit. do you have a good credit score and/or history? if you have those and a qualifying income, then getting a loan should not be a problem.
Good CitizenJan 7, 2022
@Lilo, you nailed it. So Karla, even if someone is a US citizen and doesn't have a good credit, no lender would be willing to give the borrower any loan. Two things you should work on are stability of good income with at least GOOD credit.
emad TJan 7, 2022
i got a house with ead....no problem with that if you have good credit score....at least you dont waste your money on rent....at worst scenario you can sell it and get ur money rather than wasting it on rent
rocky rockJan 7, 2022
rocky rockJan 7, 2022
I bought a car with an itin with 5% interest rate
I zJan 7, 2022
rocky rock how did you get it? I’m planning on financing a car but I’m not a permanent resident. how does it work with an EAD?
I WJan 7, 2022
rocky rockJan 7, 2022
just go into the car dealer and give your info and they will run it
rocky rockJan 7, 2022
don’t sign any paper works until they tell you what interest rate you are getting
I zJan 7, 2022
Thank you. I thought it’s more complicated, that they would ask about permanent residency or something.
rocky rockJan 7, 2022
no they will but it’s not an issue
Lilo PelekaiJan 7, 2022
Good Citizen - 🤗 one thing, though, all. if you don't have good credit and a stable income, then don't bother showing to the dealership or the bank for mortgage. if you're leaving one of the two, depending on how they run your credit, that can affect the credit by a few points too. so, before anything ask the lender if their credit check is going to affect your credit in any way. if not, then by all means, check to see whether you qualify for that loan.
M A AJan 7, 2022
you can. have you received your social security card?
Cristina JJan 7, 2022
yes you should be able to if you have a valid EAD. my mortgage company advised us that
Karla WyattJan 11, 2022
Thank you all for your advice :) It really helped me a lot!!
Good CitizenJan 14, 2022
I also have a question regarding this home buying... With stable income and good credit, but less than two years of work history. What's the chance of finding a lender that would be willing to borrow?

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